
3 November 2022




East Area


Guildhall Planning Panel




Application at:

Former Gas Works Heworth Green York 


Reserved matters application for details of appearance and landscaping for Zone B


Heworth Green Property Company Ltd And Moda Living

Application Type:

Major Reserved Matters Application

Target Date:

10 November 2022






1.1 The application relates to the former gasworks site.  The site is on the Brownfield Land Register and is allocated in the 2018 Publication Draft Local Plan for housing; 336 dwellings overall; site reference H1. 


1.2 Outline planning permission was approved for residential-lead redevelopment of the site in July 2020.  The application was considered by planning committee 12th March 2020 (application 19/00979/OUTM).  The outline permission included reserved matters of access, layout and scale.  This left reserved matters approval pending for the appearance and landscaping of the three development zones.


1.3 Reserved matters approval was granted following consideration at Planning Committee 4th November 2021 for Zones A and C (those on the Heworth Green side of the site).


1.4 This application is for the outstanding reserved matters for Zone B (appearance & landscaping).  Zone B comprises two blocks of Build to Rent accommodation, located on the southern side of the site and facing outward towards Eboracum Way and Layerthorpe.


1.5 The amount and scale of development proposed accords with the outline consent and are not for consideration in this application.  The proposed buildings range in height from 4-storey to 6-storey and would contain the following accommodation –


392 dwellings ranging from 1 to 3 bed apartments:

1 bed (Studio) - 25 apartments (6%)

1 bed, 2 person - 228 apartments (58%)

2 bed - 121 apartments (31%)

3 bed - 18 apartments (5%)


-      1,030sqm internal communal amenity space which provides reception area/concierge and post/parcel store, lounge areas, co-working space, cinema room, gym and studio, games room and library.


-      The scheme also provides outside amenity space – communal areas within the landscaping, communal outside space at roof level and private gardens at ground level.


-      95 car parking spaces (as required by the outline permission). 5 spaces are accessible.  All spaces are proposed to be provided with EV charging facilities.




2.1 Key relevant sections of the NPPF 


Section 4    Decision making

Section 5    Delivering a sufficient supply of homes

Section 11 Making effective use of land

Section 12 Achieving well-designed places

Section 16 Conserving and enhancing the historic Environment


2.2 Key relevant policies of the 2018 Publication Draft Local Plan


SS1  Delivering Sustainable Growth for York 

HW7 Healthy Places 

D1     Placemaking 

D2     Landscape and Setting 

D4     Conservation Areas 

D5     Listed Buildings 

GI2  Biodiversity and Access to Nature 

GI3  Green Infrastructure Network 

GI4  Trees and Hedgerows 




Design, Conservation and Sustainable Development (Architect)


3.1 Officers support the principles of the scheme, specifically -

-      The external layout and configuration of public and private spaces.

-      Scale and massing of proposed buildings.

-      Victorian warehouse aesthetic which relates to the sites former industrial use is an appropriate response, in context with modern commercial of low architectural quality and a mix of residential typologies.


3.2 In respect of detailed design, the following information was requested for clarification. Revised and further plans have been provided in respect of these items -   

-      Extent of roof-top plant.

-      Distribution of brick/mortar types.

-      Typical details in section to illustrate high quality articulation.

-      Detailed design of roof terraces.


3.3 Require that full large-scale details and materials be approved through condition.  The materials and build quality can also be approved by way of providing a mock panel on-site.


3.4 There remain reservations over the long corridors which lack natural light.  These are the applicant’s preference for the build to rent product they offer.


Design, Conservation and Sustainable Development (Landscape Architect)


3.5 The landscape detail is appealing and has sought to make the most of the external spaces relative to the scale of the surrounding proposed buildings. Each space has its own character and rhythm within a common language. The planting includes a good palette and distribution of trees, using large stock, which will have a reasonable immediate impact. Provided watering and maintenance are carried out with great attention, so that the trees establish and thrive, the spacing of the trees suits their ultimate mature size and relationship to context.   The value of the roof terrace as amenity space for residents is noted.


3.6 Clarification was sought on the following items.  Revised and further plans have been provided in respect of such -   

-      Children’s play equipment

-      Less formal planting (rather than mown lawn) along Eboracum Way and by car parking spaces

-      Living roof – the applicants were asked to explore the possibility for a brown roof due the ecological benefits of such.  Brown roof areas are now illustrated on the updated roof plan.  


Conditions were requested to deal with the following matters

-      Tree protection (from ongoing maintenance)

-      Approval of hard landscaping such as boundary treatment

-      Full planting plan


Highway Network Management


3.7 Officers asked whether the cycle stores originally proposed could be reduced in size on security grounds (without compromising overall numbers).  The amended scheme reduced the area of the largest store in block B1 and added a store in B2.  The storage is now more evenly spaced over the site.


3.8 LTN 1/20 requires that at least 5% of parking be designed for adapted cycles for disabled people.  This level of provision has been secured in the updated scheme. 


3.9 In respect of the setting out, officers asked for the scheme to be amended as follows –

-      Aisles between double deck storage - 2m minimum required.

-      Sheffield stands must be spaced 1m apart


Police Architecture Liaison Officer


3.9 Note that the principles of Secured by Design have been taken into consideration. In particular, the boundary treatment for the Linear Park and Courtyard that creates secure gated access to these areas is commended.


Guildhall Planning Panel


3.10 Feel there is a need for more tree planting on the site, particularly in areas away from the buildings and on the perimeter of the site.




4.1 No representations have been made.




Key Issues


-      Principle of the proposed development 

-      Appearance 

-      Heritage Assets

-      Landscaping 


Principle of the proposed development 


5.1 The development has outline permission.   The principle of the amount and mix of residential development proposed is established, as are the layout, scale and height of the proposed development, and the amount of parking.  This application is for consideration only of the appearance of the buildings in detail and the hard and soft landscaping within the phase. 


5.2 The outline permission and its associated conditions also deal with technical issues including drainage / impact on wider highway network / affordable housing / public protection / sustainability / ecology / planning obligations.  It also contains triggers for the installation of associated landscaping and parking.




5.3 In respect of appearance and landscaping, policy within paragraphs 130 and 131 of the NPPF are relevant.  These state developments should - 

-      Be visually attractive, as a result of good architecture, layout and appropriate and effective landscaping.

-      Be sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities).

-      Establish or maintain a strong sense of place, using the arrangement of streets, spaces, building types and materials to create attractive, welcoming and distinctive places to live, work and visit.

-      Create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users and where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion and resilience.

-      Acknowledge that trees make an important contribution to the character and quality of urban environments.  Trees should be incorporated in developments with appropriate measures are in place to secure the long-term maintenance of newly-planted trees, and that existing trees are retained wherever possible. 


5.4 The National Design Guide, published in 2021, is a companion to NPPF design policy.


5.5 Publication Draft Local Plan 2018 policies D1 and D2 on place-making and landscaping require, in particular relevant to this application that –


-      Ensure appropriate building materials are used.

-      Meet the highest standards of accessibility and inclusion.

-      Integrate car parking and servicing within the design of development so as not to dominate the street scene.

-      Create active frontages to public streets and spaces.

-      Include planting proposals that are clearly evidence based and make a positive contribution to the character of streets, spaces and other landscapes.


5.6 Officers are satisfied the detailed design of the scheme accords with the aforementioned policies contained in the NPPF, the National Design Guide and the Publication Draft Local Plan 2018.


Building design


5.7 The outline permission for the scheme controlled maximum building heights and had rules (within a design code and parameters plans) for the permitted floorspace at each level which, combined, sought to provide variety in the scale and articulation of the two approved blocks.  Officers are content with the interpretation of the outline permission by the developer and their architects.  The overall scale and proportions of the buildings, which arise from the massing and variation in building lines, combined with the articulation of the facades, illustrate a scheme of appropriate quality. 


5.8 Detailed section drawings of the façade have been provided, illustrating a sufficient build quality.  The intent has been clarified that both blocks will be of the same brick, with subtle variety developed through differing mortar mixes.  A condition is proposed to enable officers to approve a mock sample panel illustrating typical details.  This gives assurances on build quality, and is an approach used on schemes such as Ryedale House, The Stonebow and Hudson Quarter.


5.9 A brown roof has been incorporated into the scheme which is of biodiversity value.  This is an exceedance of the approved parameters in the outline permission.  Roof terraces, providing amenity, are set out so seating and activity is reasonably away from the building edge.


5.10 All amenity and residential entrances will conform with relevant accessibility standards including level threshold and power assisted doors as necessary.


Composition of uses


5.11 The site layout follows the outline proposals.  There are subtle amendments; there is further car parking on south-east side of the site, as this was requested by Highway Network Management officers at outline stage and is a condition of the approval (condition 17 which required an extra 10 car parking spaces over the site).  A second variation is a reduction in the floorplate of block B2 which enables a larger internal courtyard/amenity space. 


5.12 The blocks have servicing concentrated on the south-east side, by the access road.  The internal communal space faces onto the neighbourhood green, which will be public amenity space within the scheme.  Wayfinding is assisted by the entrance feature that leads into the areas containing shared inside and outside amenity space.  Ground floor dwellings have private outside amenity spaces.  Public, private and semi-private (communal) spaces are well-defined, by way of defensible space and gated access into resident’s courtyards.  These measures accord with Secure by Design principles and are not detrimental to permeability through the site for non-residents.  


5.13 In addition to the internal communal spaces at ground level the top floor of the larger block (B2) also has communal amenity space.  The amount of (internal) communal amenity space proposed is 1030 sqm, which exceeds the outline requirement of 230sqm.  In addition, both blocks have communal roof terraces.  Residents of block B1 have direct access into the B2 courtyard and the building’s internal amenity space.  




5.14 Officers have been involved in evolution of the landscaping scheme since pre-application.  Each space has its own character and rhythm within a common language.  The planting includes a good palette and distribution of trees, using large stock, which will have a reasonable immediate impact.  The detailed strategy is specified on sheet 2 of the planting strategy.  


5.15 In respect of the comment from Guildhall Planning Panel regarding tree planting on the south side of the site, officers are content the proposed planting is sufficient.  The planting stock is quite large (up to 5m high) so will make a reasonably good immediate impression.  If more trees were added to this area, and they all succeeded, they may start to compete with each other; and may end up being too close to living room windows.


5.16 At the periphery of the site, wildflower planting is proposed alongside Eboracum Way (as recommended by the Council’s Landscape Architect) and a pedestrian / cycle route, within landscape is shown running parallel to Heworth Green.  Car parking on the southern, Layerthorpe, side of the site is as required by the outline consent which fixed the number of spaces that were required in this area.


5.17 The is a reasonable mix in type of landscape amenity space.  This includes space for residents to sit outside and provision for children’s play.  At ground floor level the courtyard to block B2 and the linear landscaped area between buildings B1 and B2 are both private and provide secure amenity space (as advocated through Secure By Design principles) without compromising permeability through the site for all.  There are roof top amenity spaces on both buildings.  The space on block B2 being an extension of the communal resident’s area at top floor level.  


5.18 Natural and informal play items have been added to the main courtyard following comments from the landscape architect.  They tie into the large boulders, which provide an element of play/exploration. Trim trail equipment is now included to the area of hardstanding adjacent to the main courtyard.  


Heritage Assets


5.19 The site of Zone B is outside of any conservation areas.  The outline scheme established the permitted massing and vernacular of Zone B, taking into account the relationship with the Heworth Green / East Parade / Huntington Road Conservation Area and important views of The Minster.  The details within this reserved matters application do not have further effect on Heritage Assets.


Cycle storage


5.20 Condition 30 of the outline permission required cycle provision of at least one space per dwelling and for basic tools to be provided to allow maintenance and repairs (to accord with the approved travel plan).  The actual detail is included in this application.  The provision is as follows -


-      392 spaces in total.

-      252 spaces are in stores within the main buildings.  The scheme has been amended so Sheffield stand setting out and aisle widths meet LTN 1/20 recommendations. 

-      Overall 19 over-sized / non-standard spaces area proposed.  This provision has been provided following LTN1/20 which recommends a proportion (typically 5%) spaces should be non-standard.

-      The remaining spaces (apart from those for visitors) are in covered and secure storage areas spaced around the site.





6.1 The scheme accords with the outline permission and is acceptable in all other respects, taking into account relevant NPPF, national design guide and Publication Draft Local Plan policy.  The scheme is subject to the conditions of the outline permission (which include triggers for installation of the landscaping and parking) and those recommended in section 7 below. 



7.0  RECOMMENDATION:    Approve



 1      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:-


Location Plan 0858-RFM-XX-00-DR-L-0001, rev. P02

Existing Site Plan 0858-RFM-XX-00-DR-L-0002, rev. P02


B1 B2 - Level 00 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-00-DR-A-2000, rev. P7

B1 B2 - Level 01 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-01-DR-A-2001, rev. P5

B1 B2 - Level 02 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-02-DR-A-2002, rev. P5

B1 B2 - Level 03 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-03-DR-A-2003, rev. P5

B1 B2 - Level 04 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-04-DR-A-2004, rev. P7

B1 B2 - Level 05 GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-05-DR-A-2005, rev. P5

B1 B2 - Roof GA Plan 21040-FSL-ZZ-RF-DR-A-2006, rev. P4


B1 B2 - GA Sections 1 of 2 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2040, rev. P4

B1 B2 - GA Sections 2 of 2 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2041, rev. P4

B1 GA Elevations 21040-FSL-B1-XX-DR-A-2020, rev. P4

B2 GA Elevations - Sheet 1 of 3 21040-FSL-B2-XX-DR-A-2020, rev. P4

B2 GA Elevations - Sheet 2 of 3 21040-FSL-B2-XX-DR-A-2021, rev. P4

B2 GA Elevations - Sheet 3 of 3 21040-FSL-B2-XX-DR-A-2022, rev. P4


Vent Detail - 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DAR-2184

Large scale details (note that recessed brickwork to be as brick slip recess detail on 2185)

Typical detail window bay - 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2180

Typical detail projecting aluminium - 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2181

Typical Details - Brick Overpanel - 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2182

Typical strip window - 21040-FSL-ZZ-XX-DR-A-2183

Typical Cill & Head - 21040 FSL ZZ XX DAR 2184

Reveals showing brick slip recess detail - Brick Slip Recessed Brick Jamb - 21040 FSL XX XX DAR 2185


General Arrangement Plan - 0858-RFM-ZB-00-DR-L-0001, rev. P06

Planting Strategy Sheet 1 - 0858-RFM-ZB-00-DR-L-0004, rev. P04

Planting Strategy Sheet 2 - 0858-RFM-ZB-00-DR-L-0005, rev. P03

Landscaping to rooftop areas - 0858-RFM-ZB-ZZ-DR-L-0002 rev. P04


Cycle storage provision document dated August 2022

Details of secure external stores - RF20-858-ZB-WP07-P06


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


 2      Landscaping


Prior to their installation the following landscaping details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details (note the trigger for installation is dealt with by the outline permission). 


a)      Trees - means of support and protection.

b)      Locations of underground utilities. 

c)      Boundary treatment and means of enclosure.

d)      Specification of children's play equipment.

e)      External lighting (details to include manufacturer's details, location and lightspill).


Reason:  In the interests of good design; in accordance with NPPF paragraph 130. 


3       Large scale details


Large scale details of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction of the relevant buildings (above ground floor slab).


-      Reveals and surrounds, including canopies, decorative panels and service doors at ground floor level

-      Block B1 window details and surrounds for north and south elevations

-      Balustrading – large scale details of balustrades, including in section and confirmation of means of fixing

-      Block B2 elevation C typical details for ground floor communal / staff areas


Prior to construction of relevant parts of the building, a mock panel showing typical reveals and their surrounds shall be provided on site.  The panel shall be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

The scheme shall be constructed in adherence with the principals and workmanship as illustrated on all approved large scale / typical large scale details and the approved panel.


Reason:  In the interests of good design, in accordance with NPPF paragraph 130.


 4      Materials


Manufacturer's details of the external materials to be used, including details of the external finishes to the cycle shelters, shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their installation.  The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.  For the avoidance of doubt, and unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, such materials shall include external walls, windows, doors, fences/screens, landscape paving/decking and roofing materials but excluding all ground works and the material of the main structure. Samples shall be provided on site for approval as required by the local planning authority.


Reason: In the interests of good design and visual amenity, in accordance with the NPPF, paragraph 130.


 5      Cycle storage


The internal cycle stores shall be set out with 1 metre between Sheffield type stands and at least 2 metre aisle widths, as shown in the cycle store provision document dated August 2022.  The storage adjacent block B1 (16 Sheffield type stands) shall be covered.  


Cycle parking shall be provided in accordance with the approved Travel Plan issue 1.1 and shall be retained thereafter. 


Reason: In accordance with the travel and transport policy contained in paragraphs 110 and 112 of the NPPF.


 6      Visitor (car) parking


At least 5 of the car parking spaces that serve zone B shall be for the use of visitor parking.  At least 5% of car parking spaces shall be accessible, as annotated on the approved plans.


Reason: In accordance with the travel and transport policy contained in paragraphs 110 and 112 of the NPPF.


 7      Roof terraces


The roof terraces shall be set out in accordance with the re-form roof terraces general arrangement drawing 0858-RFM-ZB-ZZ-DR-L-0002 P04.


There shall be no canopies, shelters, umbrellas or similar structures added to the roof terraces at any time.


Reason: In the interests of visual and residential amenity, in accordance with NPPF paragraph 130.




Notes to Applicant




In considering the application, the Local Planning Authority has implemented the requirements set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 38) in seeking solutions to problems identified during the processing of the application.  The Local Planning Authority took the following steps in order to achieve a positive outcome: sought revised plans to address issues regarding landscaping and cycle storage and through the use of planning conditions.


Contact details:

Case Officer:     Jonathan Kenyon

Tel No:                01904 551323